Homeownership Opportunities

Applications for Homeownership are Closed

Thank you for your interest in applying for a Beaches Habitat for Humanity home.

Unfortunately, we are not accepting applications at this time. Please check back for information about the next opportunity to apply.

If you submitted a pre-questionnaire during our recent open enrollment, please know that we are diligently contacting potential candidates in the order determined by the lottery. Once 10 eligible candidates have been selected, we will notify everyone who submitted a pre-questionnaire. We truly appreciate your understanding as we work through this process.

Is homeownership right for you?

Buying a home is a big life decision. It is an opportunity to build wealth, put down roots, and create a stable life for your family. Homeownership is also a big commitment, with many challenges and demands.

As you consider becoming a homeowner, think about what it will mean for you to buy a home.

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

Am I ready to settle in one place for at least 10 to 15 years?


might be right for you if you want to stay in the same place for many years. If you plan to live in the beach communities for the next 10-15 years and think your family and job will stay the same, this could be a good time to buy a home.

Am I capable of and willing to care for a house and yard?

When you buy a home, it is yours! You have many freedoms, but also responsibilities. You need to mow the lawn, fix things, and hire help when needed. There is no landlord to call. If you have time to take care of a home and enjoy yard work and other tasks, this might be a good time to buy a home.

Do I have a decent place to stay for at least the next year?

Becoming a Beaches Habitat for Humanity homeowner is a big commitment. It takes time to get approved, complete "Sweat Equity", and build a house. You need a safe place to live during this long and sometimes unpredictable process of becoming a homeowner.

Do I have the time in my schedule to complete the program requirements?

Buying a Beaches Habitat home involves a lot of work. You must gather documents, meet with people, complete "Sweat Equity" and attend workshops. Can you fit these requirements into your schedule? Do you have time for volunteering and meetings? Can someone watch your children while you earn sweat equity hours?

Am I okay knowing Beaches Habitat does not build custom houses?

Beaches Habitat builds simple, decent, affordable homes. You can choose some options like flooring and cabinets. Other features, like appliances and paint colors, are the same for everyone in the program. After buying your home, you can make some changes within your HOA's guidelines (see next question).

Can I follow the guidelines of a Homeowners' Association (HOA)?

A Homeowners' Association, or HOA, sets rules and guidelines for a neighborhood. When you buy a home there, you join the HOA and agree to follow its rules. Community residents elect a board of directors who volunteer their time to manage the HOA.

Members pay monthly dues to the HOA for short-term and long-term neighborhood maintenance.

The HOA's rules, known as Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs), help to maintain property values. They describe the responsibilities of the HOA and each homeowner. CC&Rs also outline what homeowners can do on their property, like painting or adding fences.

Before applying for a home, think about whether you're willing to follow an HOA's rules and take part in its decision making.

If you answered yes to all six questions, please proceed to the next section.

Our Homes

Beaches Habitat builds 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom homes. Land is very expensive to purchase in the beaches area. Therefore, we are building townhomes with four houses per building.

After being approved for the program, Beaches Habitat homeowners do not select the property that they will buy. Beaches Habitat assigns addresses to applicants based on availability.

Use the link below to get an idea of the homes we will build:

Coastal Haven Townhomes

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

Would I be happy living in this neighborhood?

Coastal Haven is in the "North Beach" area of Jacksonville, located northwest of Atlantic Beach. 

You can view neighborhood details from the city of Jacksonville through their My Neighborhood portal.

Do the homes have the right number of bedrooms for my family and me?

Each home will have three bedrooms.

Would the size and layout of these homes meet my family's needs?

Each home is two-stories and approximately 1200 square feet.

If you answered yes to all three questions, please proceed to the next section.

Program Requirements

People partner with Beaches Habitat to build a place they can call home. Homebuyers work alongside volunteers and construction staff to help build their own homes, which they then purchase with an affordable mortgage.

To qualify to purchase a Habitat home, you must meet the following program requirements:


To be considered for homeownership at Beaches Habitat for Humanity, you must:

  • live or work in our service area, east of St. John's Bluff Road, for at least one year
  • be a US citizen or legal permanent resident

Demonstrated need for better housing

To be considered for homeownership at Beaches Habitat for Humanity, you must:

  • Be a first-time homebuyer, defined by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as not having owned a home in the past three years
  • Be currently living in substandard housing, which can include overcrowded, subsidized, or unaffordable housing

Ability to repay an affordable mortgage

To be considered for homeownership at Beaches Habitat for Humanity, you must:

  • Provide proof of at least one year of steady income
  • Have a credit score of 640 or higher, with no charge-offs, no unsatisfied public records, and no bankruptcies within the last four years.
  • Be able to make a $1000 down payment.
  • Meet the income requirements based on HUD's 2024 Annual Gross Income, Effective April 1, 2024.
Gross Income by Household Size
Min. Annual
Max. Annual

Willingness to partner

To be considered for homeownership at Beaches Habitat for Humanity, you must:

  • Complete a minimum of 300 hours of "sweat equity" - the actual number of hours required is based on household size and makeup
  • Complete required financial education and homebuyer preparation courses

Other Selection Requirements

Criminal background checks will be requested for applicants, co-applicants, and all household members 16 years of age or older. You will not be eligible to apply for the program if the criminal background check shows any of the following:

  • Sexual predator and/or sexual offender
  • Felony charges within the last five years
  • Misdemeanor charges within the last two years

If married, both spouses must sign the mortgage.

After reviewing the Program Requirements, if you believe you meet all criteria, proceed to the next section.

Our Prospective Homebuyer Selection Process

Step One: Complete application pre-questionnaire

Get started by filling out a pre-questionnaire. You can fill it out online using the link at the bottom of this page.

You can also pick up a paper copy at the Beaches Habitat office at 797 Mayport Road, Atlantic Beach, during business hours. If you fill out a paper copy, give it directly to a Beaches Habitat team member — if you mail your pre-questionnaire or drop it in our mailbox, we will not be accepted.

Submit completed pre-questionnaires from Friday, July 26, 2024, at 9 am, to Friday, August 2, 2024, at 5 pm. Any received after 5 pm on August 2 won't be considered for the homebuyer selection process.

Step Two: Lottery for applications

Because many people are interested, we'll use a lottery (random drawing) for applications.

Each completed pre-questionnaire gets a random number to decide the order. For example, if yours gets number 1, you'll be the first to get an application.

We'll contact applicants in lottery order until we find ten eligible ones.

Step Three: Complete an Application

Beaches Habitat will give applications to those chosen in the lottery. Applicants will have one week to return your completed application. It must include all needed documents.

Step Four: Application Review

Beaches Habitat will review your application to see if you qualify for our program. This includes checking credit, criminal background, and public records. We will interview you and visit your home. Beaches Habitat will present all the information collected to our Family Selection Committee. The committee will then decide on approval.

Step Five: Final Decision

Beaches Habitat will inform you if you are accepted or give you the reason for not being accepted.

Ready to Get Started?

Unfortunately, the window for accepting pre-questionnaires has closed. Please check back for information about future opportunities.

Questions? Contact Joyce Freeman at (904) 595-5797 or homes@beacheshabitat.org.

Equal Housing Opportunity

Beaches Habitat for Humanity does business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law. We are pledged to the letter and spirit of the U.S. policy for the achievement of equal housing opportunity throughout the nation. We encourage and support an affirmative advertising and marketing program in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, gender, gender expression, marital status, age, national origin, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, veteran/reserve/national guard status, or any other status or characteristic protected by law.

Equal Opportunity Employer

Beaches Habitat for Humanity, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer and seeks to employ and assign the best qualified personnel for all our positions in a manner that does not unlawfully discriminate against any person because of race, color, religion, gender, gender expression, marital status, age, national origin, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, veteran/reserve/national guard status, or any other status or characteristic protected by law.