Young black man in hard hat swinging hammer

AmeriCorps is the federal agency connecting individuals and organizations to tackle the nation’s most pressing challenges. AmeriCorps focuses on these key areas to make an impact: economic opportunity, disaster response, education, environmental…

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For sale sign on blurred background

Beaches Habitat for Humanity will begin accepting applications for new homeownership opportunities. Beginning Friday, July 26, 2024, Beaches Habitat for Humanity will accept pre-questionnaires from those interested in applying to…

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Kathy was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY and currently works at the University of Florida in the Hematology/Oncology department. She has three children Jaylin (20), Ariana (16) & Karter…

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Row of people with gold shovels

We are thrilled to announce the start of construction in our neighborhood. Please join us to celebrate this milestone! The ceremony will take place at 9 AM on Saturday, June…

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Young woman

My name is Alessandra Manuzon. I was born and raised in the Philippines and moved to Atlantic Beach in 2013 when my parents bought a house through Beaches Habitat’s program.…

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Woman in nurse's uniform holding flowers

My journey started 10 years ago. I was a divorced mother with four children. I needed stability for my children, and I applied to Beaches Habitat for Humanity for a…

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Professional Photograph of Steve Gilbert

Dear Friends of Beaches Habitat, 2023 was another exciting year! It is a blessing to have so many dedicated volunteers and generous donors willing to partner with local families to…

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Crushed aluminum cans in hands

Your trash is our treasure From September 1 through November 30, Beaches Habitat for Humanity is competing with Habitat organizations to recycle the most aluminum cans. We’ll turn those cans…

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