Young black man in hard hat swinging hammer

AmeriCorps is the federal agency connecting individuals and organizations to tackle the nation’s most pressing challenges. AmeriCorps focuses on these key areas to make an impact: economic opportunity, disaster response, education, environmental…

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Beaches Habitat is closing the chapter on our 2020-2021 AmeriCorps Program Year. We’re sad to say goodbye to the first member leaving – Construction Crew Leader Parker. Parker was best…

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AmeriCorps is a federal agency that connects individuals and organizations to help communities tackle their toughest challenges. AmeriCorps sends people power and funding to communities across the country. Disaster response, the…

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Collage of photos of AmeriCorps Members with AmeriCorps logo at center

National Service AmeriCorps is a National Service program. Let’s stop right there to explain a little more. You’ve heard of military service and the Peace Corps. With those programs, volunteers…

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AmeriCorps logo with three photos of members

AmeriCorps is an opportunity for individuals of all ages and backgrounds to give their time and talent to strengthen communities. At Beaches Habitat, members serve a critical role in helping…

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AmeriCorps logo

AmeriCorps is a National Service program that pairs individuals with organizations to help meet community needs. At Beaches Habitat, AmeriCorps members commit to a year of service, helping us to…

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Photo collage of Ashlee

After 3 years of AmeriCorps service, Construction Crew Leader Ashlee is moving on. We are grateful for her years of service and wish her luck! Great spirit, great passion, great…

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Habitat AmeriCorps builds and strengthens leaders

Each fall, Beaches Habitat welcomes AmeriCorps members to the team. AmeriCorps members commit to a year of service, helping us to meet our annual goals. In return, they learn valuable…

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