Young black man in hard hat swinging hammer

AmeriCorps is the federal agency connecting individuals and organizations to tackle the nation’s most pressing challenges. AmeriCorps focuses on these key areas to make an impact: economic opportunity, disaster response, education, environmental…

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Inspire your team. Change your community. CEO Build - May 10, 2024

What is CEO Build? CEO Build is a unique opportunity to demonstrate to your team and the community that you are committed to supporting a healthy economy in the Jacksonville…

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Family photo inside wreath illustration

Once upon a time, I lived in a place that was much too small for myself and my now adult-sized children. It started as a place for a fresh start,…

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Crushed aluminum cans in hands

Your trash is our treasure From September 1 through November 30, Beaches Habitat for Humanity is competing with Habitat organizations to recycle the most aluminum cans. We’ll turn those cans…

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Ribault Park Women Build home

A Habitat for Humanity construction site is unlike any other construction site you’ll encounter. As volunteers, staff, and future homeowners transform a pile of wood and metal into a home,…

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Woman on front porch holding small dog

What is Veterans Build? Veterans Build is Habitat for Humanity’s initiative to provide housing solutions and volunteer and employment opportunities to U.S. veterans, military service members, and their families. Veterans…

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3 panels, first panel is a women using a circular saw, second panel says strong women build strong communities, third panel is group photo of women on construction site

Women Build is a unique opportunity for women to join together to help a local family build their dream of homeownership. Build together, grow together, and invest in the local…

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A Young Professional is using a tile saw to cut tile.

Beaches Habitat Young Professionals (HYP) is a group of motivated individuals committed to making a difference in their community by supporting Habitat’s mission. HYP helps families in need of affordable…

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Professional headshot of young woman

Meet Misel Soto, our 2022 Special Events Intern Back in April, Misel Soto took a leap of faith and arrived at the Beaches Habitat for Humanity office with her resume.…

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Group of young adults with bicycle

On May 20, Beaches Habitat welcomed Bike & Build, a national nonprofit committed to raising money and awareness for affordable housing, to the construction site. The Jacksonville beaches are the…

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